Animal Communication
I believe the animals which have chosen to live with (or near us) are great teachers as well as companions. being an animal communicator brings me great joy by helping humans and animals deepen their connection with each other. To open the dropdown information below:
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About robyn
what is animal communication?
how the process works
There are a few ways animal communicators work, all are efficient and effective. One way is to set an appointed time to have you on the phone with your list of questions ready. The communicator then connects in with your animal telepathically, and you read the questions one at a time, while the communicator asks the question, then relays the answers back to you. You are charged for the time you are on the phone. Another way, which is the way I like to work, is meeting you on the phone first, having a brief conversation about your animal and answering any questions you may have about the process. We then set an appointment time to call you back at a later date when I have finished the conversation with your animal. then you send me your questions and/or concerns (being as specific as possible) by email along with a photo, name, age and sex of your animal. I then connect in with your animal companion telepathically; introduce myself, stating that you have asked me to have a conversation in your behalf. You do not need to be with them at the time of the conversation. I ask them your questions and express any concerns that you have asked me to relay to them, writing down their responses to share with you at the appointed call back time. This method allows me a little room to ask extra questions if the answers need clarifying or are vague. Negotiation may be part of this work as well, finding out what the problem is for them, IF THERE IS A BEHAVIORAL ISSUE. i can aid in helping them to see what good choices look like and how choices can affect the family dynamics. I also am able to try to answer their questions, which often come up in a conversational atmosphere. Ultimately the communication becomes more of a dialog and less of an interview, which I have found to be more effective especially in seeking behavioral changes or end of life concerns. Animals are like us in the way we are both creatures of free will. Just because we ask them to do something, doesn’t mean they will or that they understand why we want them to do it. Being human, with less ability to stay focused (as they have told me), we may easily send them mixed messages unintentionally. We often do this within our own species while trying to communicate. when our animal friends Understand our intentions, it can make a huge difference in the choices they make. After the conversation I then call you back and discuss what I have found out. You are only charged for the time I spoke with your animal. I also like this method as it gives you room to talk about the results without being on the clock. An average conversation takes about 30-45 minutes. Conversations can run longer if there are behavioral issues or concerns that need addressing. We can always set a prearranged maximum end time, as I respect budget and financial limitations. Healing sessions
There are occasions where past traumas may have created debilitating behaviors or fears. These are special situations where the animal isn’t able to move past them and lead a healthy, happy life. Shamanic core principles of healing and Reike may be helpful to heal these deeper issues. Animals are often more sensitive to the spirit world and can see spirit entities (ghosts which haven't crossed over) or loving ancestral spirits that are just visiting you. Your companion may find these visitors uncomfortable to be around and display unusual behavior. If you feel that this might be happening, I can easily find out what is going on and help facilitate any action if needed to help unwanted spirits return home. Please inquire for more information. how to make an appointment
gift certificates
Animal Communication TestimonialsCarlin and Ryan - Sierra
Mary L. & Kate B. - Black Bear
Megan M.-Eddie
megan G.-big cheese
catherine- Farley & Chico
roberta m.-jackamo
stacey m.-sogni & freddie
Virginia H-Bandit